Change People’s Lives – One Meal At A Time

Picture credit: Saw on First Congregational Church of Waseca website
Picture credit: Saw on First Congregational Church of Waseca’s website

Do you want to make a change in someone’s life this month? Let’s all agree that for the next two weeks we will not buy lunch.  Hold on…I’m asking you to skip buying just one meal.  Whew, I knew what you were thinking. Yes, please take a bag lunch to work.  Or, you can eat leftovers.

The money we save can be given to the charity of our choice. You can Save the Whales; send it to an orphanage; give it to the Red Cross and the list goes on and on. While this isn’t necessary a charity…it would be great to give it to a local teacher.  I’m not sure how that would work. It seems like teachers are always going into their pockets to do things for our kids.

If you agree to do it..let’s try doing it through out the year…hey, that’s a thought. Hmmm….

The Plan                                                                                                                         Each of us will donate the funds from our weekly skipped Happy Meal (or whatever meal you eat) to a charity.

The Cost                                                                                                                      Each meal costs (a guestimate) around $5. Breakdown: 5 x 4 = $20 (give or take).

The Results

  • You’ll be helping a lot of our family, friends and strangers.
  • You’ll help further the Gospel if you give it to a Christian-base organization.
  • You’ll provide food to the poor, widow or those in the mission field, etc.
  • You’ll provide much needed funds to the arts or to a zoo, etc.

This is a Christian blog and my posted are centered on Christian things.  However, I just hope we can do some things to help out our fellow man.

If we actually used our time and talents to help others out…I think God would be happy with our “Life service” instead of simple lip service.”  (Matt 25:31-46)  Think about it.  If you chose to do it…send me a note and we’ll all encourage you on.



2 thoughts on “Change People’s Lives – One Meal At A Time

  1. Pastor,
    Okay … Susan and I are in for the “Life Service” .
    We could use the blessings !!!

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