Don’t Accept False Doctrine

false_doctrineThere will be a lot of people wanting you to simply read about their religious beliefs. The writings or articles may sound nice and “Christian.” Yet they are not. I believe it is good to know about other faiths. After all, how can you minister to them if you do not know anything about their beliefs? Well, that’s another topic for another day.

What do you do when someone tries to have you look at their promotional video or their pamphlets? The Apostle John tells us, “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting; for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds” (2 John 1:10, 11). Often we’ve talked about taking things out of context. In these two short verses, John is talking about Gnostic heresy. I am certain this has wide application and would extend to any contemporary non-Christian religious material.

It is critical for you to learn about your faith. Do not be afraid to challenge what your fellow believers say about the bible. In reality, you will be helping them as they help you (Prov 27:17). For nearly 20 years, I have told those listening to my sermons to take notes. I want them to challenge each other and me. It is wonderful for them to attend church services. However, it is more valuable and productive when they understand the Scripture themselves. A stronger understanding of the Scriptures will mitigate them falling for false doctrine, whether it is said from the pulpit or a mistaken belief. We need each other and we need to strengthen each other. If not, we may believe something that is not true.

Please remember that you are an important piece in helping spread the Gospel. We need you to “be at the ready” and share what you know about the goodness of God. Stand Firm in the Faith (1 Cor 16:10) my brother and sister.

Sola Scriptura “Scripture only”


4 thoughts on “Don’t Accept False Doctrine

  1. What you have stated is very true. For example, how can there be many ways to God when scripture says , “Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”” John 14:6 NIV
    I know we don’t want to offend but when we mislead or misquote we have not done anyone a favor nor have represented God well as an ambassador for Christ.

    1. Well said Reverend. I would rather offend the person than misrepresent the Gospel. I realize it is often difficult to confront and challenge people and their false doctrine. Yet, we have purpose to fulfill. We must stick to the mandate to spread the Gospel to all Nations (Matt 28:19).

  2. Indeed we should be like the believers of Berea. It is important to cross-check every doctrine with the Bible. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Most definitely. We need to encourage our brothers and sisters to study the Word. This will help us spread the correct Gospel. Regrettably, some have fallen prey to false doctrines.

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